January to March 1964 Photos

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521,Adelaide Rx212,Dry Creek Rx233,Dry Creek 747,Dry Creek
747,Dry Creek Rx233,Rx158,Dry Creek F240,Adelaide Rx212,Adelaide
Rx,North Adelaide 521,North Adelaide Rx222,North Adelaide Rx140,North Adelaide
900,North Adelaide 759,Mile End 844,Adelaide 808,Port Adelaide


K187,Foster K187,Foster K187,Foster K187,Foster
K187,Foster R737,Foster R737,Foster R766,Leongatha
J503,Lang Lang D3 639,R756,Koo Wee Rup K188,J505,Korumburra K188,J505,Hoddle
K188,J505,Foster D3 639,North Melbourne D3 639,North Melbourne R765,North Melbourne
K191,Ballarat D3 671,Ballarat D3 659,Ballarat N497,Ballarat
N400,Ballarat K191,Ballarat K191,Ballarat D3 639,Yarra Junction

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